energizeHER mornings! - Your Daily Dose of Business Inspiration and Support

Are you tired of feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and unsure of your next move in life or business? Do you crave a supportive community where you can receive daily inspiration, guidance, and coaching to help you thrive? energizeHER mornings! is here to help.


Tameka Chapman

4/16/20242 min read

Hey ladies!

Do you feel stuck in life and business with no clear direction of what step to take to move forward?

Do you often feel isolated and feel like no one else understands your struggles as an entrepreneur?

Or maybe it's the OVERWHELM that's got you feeling burnt out and exhausted!

No matter the issue you're facing, I want you to know that you are NOT alone. Many women feel the same way - stuck, isolated, unclear, frustrated, overwhelmed, unsupported, and ready to give up!

Introducing energizeHER mornings! - a transformative membership experience designed to empower and uplift women who are ready to take charge of their lives and businesses.

energizeHER mornings! is a membership program hosted by founder Tameka Chapman, created specifically for women who are struggling with their first or next move in life and business. This membership is your ticket to:

Daily Morning Calls

Join us Monday to Friday for energizing morning calls where you'll receive powerful coaching tips, strategies, and inspiration to kickstart your day with purpose and clarity.

Private Membership Group

Connect with like-minded women in our exclusive private membership group, where you can share insights, ask questions, and receive support from a community that understands your journey.

Business Coaching

Access to expert business coaching on each call, tailored to address the unique challenges and opportunities you're facing in your entrepreneurial journey.

Hot Seat Coaching

One member will receive personalized coaching and feedback during our hot seat coaching sessions on each call, where you'll have the opportunity to dive deep into your specific challenges and receive actionable advice to overcome them.

First Access to Future Events

As a member of energizeHER mornings!, you'll be the first to know about and have access to future events, workshops, and opportunities designed to support your growth and success.

Say goodbye to feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and unsupported.

Say hello to a vibrant community of women who are ready to energize their mornings, ignite their passion, and lead with confidence.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter, more empowered future? Join us at energizeHER mornings! and let's embark on this transformative journey together.

Reserve your spot now and let's make every morning an energized one!