Two Black Eyes & Two Kids Do Not Mix

The kids will be fine. The chores will be OK. Use these 3 simple tips to avoid sleep deprivation and get energized!


Tameka Chapman

4/11/20241 min read

Tired mama who needs rest, but too worried about everything else
Tired mama who needs rest, but too worried about everything else

AVOID sleep deprivation and get restful sleep tonight!

[1] Get a notebook and take 10 minutes right before laying down to free write. What you want to do is get every thought from the past, present, and future out of your head and on paper where it's safe and secure. This will free the clutter from your head and allow you to rest easier.

[2] Get a new alarm clock that wakes you up gradually with classical music. This will do absolute wonders for your morning routine. What you want to do is set the alarm to go off 15-20 minutes earlier than you usually wake up. It will turn on very quietly and slowly bring you out of your slumber.

"At the end of the day, sleep is a barometer of your emotional health. And so if you’re not in the right place where you need to be, then you’re going to have voices keeping you up at night because you have to work through those issues." ~ Mehmet Oz

[3] Add healthy snacks to your daily routine. One of my favorites is a 2 oz pre-packaged bag of baby carrots or cucumbers. They taste good, they're good for you, and they take little to no prep-time. When you're hungry at work or on the way home, munch on these. Another great snack is raw almonds. Eating healthier just works.

Use these 3 simple tips to avoid sleep deprivation and enjoy a more restful sleep tonight.

Well-rested woman ready to take on the day
Well-rested woman ready to take on the day